I believe you are familiar with theme because nearly everybody use themes on their phone am not here to tell you something about theme but how to create the theme of your choice using your pictures. You can use your theme created for your java phone and after this tutorial you will be able to make one for your mobile phone. Let get started with our tutorial, just follow me with all the process that will be highlighted below.
Note: Before you can go on with these steps you need BLUE FTP on your phone in which I guess you have and if you don’t have on your phone kindly click
here to download your own or search your downloading site for it before you continue.
If your BLUE FTP is on your java phone then go to where your application is being located then
Press option button ==> to application access ==> select Ask every time for “Read user, edit and read”.
This may be different using your symbian java phone follow this process:
Go to settings ==> Application mgr ==> select Installed apps then click option on the application ==> then move down to select Ask every time for “ Read user data and Edit user” .
Let continue with our tutorial so after all this previous process, right from your BLUE FTP,
Create a separate folder in another location,
Then go to folder where you keep your themes,
Click on a particular theme you want and all the content inside it will be display,
Click on Menu and go to select all the items inside,
And move to the new folder created and press menu to Extract inside the folder, and press ok until it finished.
Never exit your application yet, so after the extraction inside your new folder location all items named as JPG or jpg, if you have 4 items named as jpg then it mean you have four images inside the theme.
To the next step:
Click on the individual item with jpg one after the other,
Then go to menu ==> move down to rename ==> copy the name and rename your personal image which you want to use for your theme with the name copied, mind you after copying the name (background.jpg) make sure you delete the image before you name your own personal picture with the same name because two items name cannot be same.
Do it to all the remaining items with jpg, after that Click on the menu, go to select all and scroll down to [zip],[tar],[jar],[nth],[thm] select [nth]. When you are done with this your theme is ready to use. If you need more tutorial on this contact us so as to get you
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